Monday, March 13, 2006


SOS: "Today President Bush gave the first speech in new series of four speeches that will explain to the American people why we are in Iraq.

In his speech today, the President tossed out an SOS — for Same Old Shit.

If you really care about what he said, you can read a transcript here and a news story here. It’s essentially the same Iraq speech he’s been giving for the past several months — “As Iraqis stand up, America and our coalition will stand down” — with a couple of additions:

1. The bombing of the Golden Mosque of Samarra was bad. The people who bombed the mosque wanted to start a civil war, but you’ll be happy to know that the Iraqi people have already decided not to have one.

2. Iran is exporting IED devices into Iraq, which is very bad. Iran also supports terrorism and has a nuclear weapons program. We’re going to have to do something about Iran one of these days.

Other than that, it really was the SOS — Iraqi elections were good, Iraqi security forces doing a crackerjack job, everything’s just peachy. "